Taking the next step in leading your team requires a major shift from your side: from focusing on directing tasks to focusing on building a relationship with your team.
Sounds simplistic, but performance, motivation and results now all depend on how solid of a relationship you have with your team - and specifically via 2 factors:
- how much your team has trust in you
- how well you can motivate them
Numbers talk: trust in leadership directly influences 25% of performance and 94% of their good behaviours, and teams that trust their leaders are 50% more productive and 40% less at risk of burnout.
Motivating people the right way, instead, guarantees a 3:1 ROI – i.e. the effort, work and time you will spend in motivating your team will come back to you three times as much.
That's the focus of hybrid leadership, and this test has been designed to give you precise, personalised and actionable indications of what you need to do to develop and master that focus.
There are 33 statements in the assessment - for each one simply put how much you agree or disagree with it, the rest will come - enjoy!

Time's up
Quick and actionable tips on emotional intelligence, are possibly the best way to go - and most of the time valid ones are difficult to come across. I've written a book, strongly connected to this free emotional intelligence test, that allows you to go beyond the theory and start seeing results as you read it.
As with everything from me, the book is still science-backed, and it's also actionable and applicable. You'll find a theoretical structure, sure, but also a dedicated practical section for each section in this test (as well as a printed version of this emotional intelligence test) that will allow you to direct your efforts effictively only where you need to.
Burke, C. Shawn, Dana E. Sims, Elizabeth H. Lazzara, Eduardo Salas. «Trust in Leadership: A Multi-Level Review and Integration». The Leadership Quarterly 18, n. 6 (December 2007): 606–32.
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